Dear Paprika: Michelle Yeoh Said Dreams Come True. No, They Almost Never Do

Dear Paprika,

Michelle Yeoh just made history by being the first Malaysian to win an Oscar. During her speech, she claimed that ‘dreams do come true’. No, they don’t.

I just set a Malaysian record myself and when I look back, I am astonished at how very, very lucky I was. How many people are able to even attempt what I did? And for those who are lucky enough to attempt it, how many will achieve it? If I had to put a number to that question, I would say almost zero.

Who can take two months’ leave from work? Who has the money for such a trip? Who has the right e-bike to complete the long journey? Who has the luck to overcome sticky situations? Who has the resolve to continue despite the pain and suffering faced during the ride?

Kee Thuan Chye criticised Yeoh’s win as part luck because Hollywood is now leaning toward diversity and has opened its doors to Asian actors. If her movie had come out twenty years ago, no one would have noticed her nor her movie.

Now, I know what it is like to stand in front of an audience to give a speech. Her little speech was probably not well thought out, coupled with the fact that she was giddy with her award. So, I am going to take her, “This is proof that dream big and dreams do come true,” part of her speech with a big pinch of salt.

Think about it, how many girls dream of marrying a prince or becoming a princess? And how many of those dreams actually come true? How many people dream of being Hollywood stars and actually become one? How many dream of being a singing star and really become one? How many dream of writing a best seller and actually writing one? If you read Stephen Fry’s biography, you will know how much talent, determination and luck play parts in one’s success. For every superstar, there are thousands upon thousands of wanna-be-stars who had their dreams dashed.

Oh, what about America? Is it the land of opportunity as it is well known as? Look at its homeless problem and the inequality suffered by blacks. It is clearly not the land of opportunity.

So, does this mean, you should not dream big? Definitely not. Remember what I told you about slaying dragons? Sometimes you slay it and sometimes it eats you up. As long as you can come out of your dragon slaying adventure alive, it is okay. As long as you have another chance at slaying another dragon, it is okay.

Not all dreams come true and you have to realise that.

Your loving father,


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