Cycling E-bike to China: Paying Tourist Prices

Look at the photo below. That is where I had my first Laotian meal. I am in the photo. There was no one at the roadside restaurant. There was only one light and not a single fan was switched on. While waiting for my meal, I battled mosquitos. I was the only customer.

I ordered pork lapp: a traditional Laotian dish. I was served a bowl of white rice too. Beer is the same price as a can of Coke so I drank beer. Guess how much my meal came up to?

RM 27.00!

The dish was RM 15. Why so much? Because I am a foreigner. I was served a dish big enough to feed two or three people  The beer and rice were reasonably priced.

I am not angry but I do feel taken for a ride. However, I understand why they do it. They are poor and an opportunity to make some money is not to be missed. It is okay. I don’t make a fuss. I just pay them, tell them how much I enjoyed their cooking by showing my two thumbs-up, smile and say, “Khob chai!” (thank you in Lao).

It doesn’t happen everywhere. Most places I eat at charge me what they charge locals but once a while, a stall will take advantage of me.

Last night, I was at the last town before the border. My meal and three beers came up to almost RM 50! I ordered beef lok lap (a traditional Khmer dish). What arrived was, again, enough for at least three people.

I took the leftover beer back to eat for breakfast. The sticky rice had already dried out in the morning but I ate it for breakfast anyway.

Of course, there are honest stall operators. One soupy noodles stall charged me only RM 4 for my meal and the two glasses of cold tea were free. It was at a one-street town on the way to the border.

As a foreigner in a strange land, you will meet people who will take advantage of you. If it is only a few dollars, let it pass. Look at it as a chance to help the poor fellow. Don’t kick up a fuss and let it ruin your holiday.

I am Pepper Lim. I am cycling to China to raise money for the OKU. They want training for better jobs, wheelchairs, seed to start an enterprise, medical. Please donate generously.

The Lions Club of Tropicana Petaling
Public Bank: 3231267936

Support me with RM100.00
Pepper Lim
Maybank 114124095576

Please help to share my journey with your friends.

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