Dear Paprika: Dinosaur In Cambodia

Dear Paprika,

You were reading your dinosaur book this morning and came across “the biggest bird dinosaur in China”. You showed me a drawing of it and went, “Wow!”

I asked you how big it was and you read the book again, “Four feet.”

Then, I told you to get the measuring tape out to see how big the dinosaur really was. You sure were surprised to see how small the “big” dinosaur was!

This reminded me of a supposedly stegosaurus carving in an ancient temple in Cambodia. Creationist like using this as an example that man and dinosaurs once lived together. How else would the carver know what a stegosaurus looked like if he had not seen it before?

Take a look. Does the dinosaur carving look like a stegosaurus which went extinct 60 millions years before humans?

  • The stegosaurus has a small head and spikes on its tail but the carving does not.
  • Its legs are wrong – the stegosaurus has large hind legs compared to its front.
  • That is the only carving of a “stegosaurus” in the temple. If it really lived during that time, I am sure the Cambodians would have ridden it into battle. It is as big as an elephant and it had its own armour plates. So, why only one carving?

If we accept the carving to be a true living animal, then we also have to accept the strange demonic looking animal (two carvings below the “stegosaurus”) with bulging eyes, genitals, tail and holding a torch or sword as real too.

And if you do accept it as real, then you will also have to accept these temple carvings as real too. Now, how many skeletal remains of multi-armed people or crocodile head people have we ever found? None.

There is a strange looking animal below the “stegosaurus”. Real or not?

People who believe humans and dinosaurs lived together in the same period are called creationists. They believe all living things were created by God at the same time. However, evidence over a hundred years have proven that dinosaurs lived and died out long before the first human ever evolved. Therefore, it is impossible for humans to have seen dinosaurs with their own eyes.

Dear Paprika, when you see something strange, use Occam’s Razor to find the simplest answer for it. It is usually the most correct one.

Your loving father,


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